Effective Programs, Sustainable Results

Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching

With years of keto experience, hundreds of pounds lost, improved athletic performance (and physique), and recaptured health, our Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaches can help you change your life.

Our Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaches can help you change your life.

Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching

Choose from a variety of coaching services and begin your journey today.

It's okay to ask for help.

Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching

We get it, because we've been where you are.

Choose Your Plan

Do you have a handle on your behavior with food and just want to make sure your macros and menu are right for your goals? Choose the Macro Evaluation

Do you want to go over your macros, get questions answered, and develop a plan of action? Choose the One-time Consult

Do you need that face to face conversation and accountability? Do you struggle with a dysfunctional relationship with food and need regular interaction with your coach? Choose 1-on-1 Coaching

Meet Our Coaches

Our coaches help clients achieve habit change via coaching. Your coach is happy to work with you to best support your goals.

Coaching Programs

Effective, Awesome, Ketogenic Coaching

Email Coaching


  • Access to secret group only for members
  • Conducted over email
  • Custom macros evaluations
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Hear what our clients have to say

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Note: Until September 2020, we were known as Ketovangelist Coaching.

I began Keto in January 2017, in February I decided to give MYSELF some LOVE and I got a KETO COACH! Linda was such a great Keto Coach she helped me understand Keto, it also was great to have a knowledgeable, Ketofied friend and teacher to help me through the maze of questions and concerns. Having a Keto coach, helped me so much, I am at my goal, comfortable in my skin, I understand the principles of the Keto WOE. I am so thankful and grateful for the knowledge and support I have received through the Keto coaching community!

Heidi H.

Joining the Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching program changed my life! I decided that my health was my priority and it was/is worth every penny!

Melodie Z.

I had lost my focus and needed guidance and understanding of the pit falls I was experiencing. Since signing up for coaching, I have had a lot of "A-Ha Moments"; one of which is that I needed the accountability as I am very good at rationalizing things which are not to my benefit. I am more excited about this WOE and feel like I have so much more control. I wish I had signed up for coaching a year ago!!

Kelly H.

I started Keto after watching three people I love die due to complications from diabetes. I had gained 50lbs since running a half marathon just two years ago. When the scale stalled, I didn’t want to give up so I started looking for a coach.  After reviewing Michelle Hurn’s profile, her story spoke to me. I signed up immediately, downloaded her brilliant book and set up my first session.
What I have realized in the past two months of working together is that the scale (though moving in the right direction) has become less of a driver for me. I have noticed a HUGE change in my anxiety and my skin is amazing. I feel focused, full, satisfied, clear and happy. My glucose levels are completely stable, my sleep has never been better, my heart rate is lower when working out, my inflammation seems to have completely gone away and I no longer have a “food baby” at the end of each day.
I have been so fortunate to learn from a true expert in this field. I am seeing the truly unlimited potential of my body through fuel. I can’t wait to get stronger, leaner, and healthier. I know with Michelle’s help I will FINALLY lose all my “baby weight” before my kids leave for college in the next four years.
I cannot recommend Michelle Hurn enough. She has changed my life.


I really like working with Tiffany, because though I have gone off the rails a few times, she has never made me feel bad about doing so. Tiffany asks you the questions that you should answer on why and how did you feel about that. I think having her coach me through some hard things have kept me going and has helped me change my mindset which has been a work in progress! 

I had been part of another Keto group which was fine, but I wanted to explore Carnivore living! I’m glad I did and loving it! 

Earlene N.

free articles

Helpful articles from our coaches to help you live your healthiest life.

Real Food and Supplements

There’s no doubt about it, we live in an age of pharmaceuticals and quick fixes. Got a health problem? There’s a drug for that! There are many i...

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Look In the Mirror

Elaina Wang

You know that moment when you put something new and exciting on, you feel amazing, and you look in the mirror?

For the those first few m...

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