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Positive Thinking


Embrace the power of positive thinking!

I hear it all the time: "I got on the scale and it hasn’t changed!” or, "I got on the scale and it’s up 3lbs!" or, "I’ve been keto for 30 days and only lost 2lbs."

If this sounds like you, it is time to cut the mental fat, so you can cut your body fat.

How you see yourself determines your actions. If we see ourselves as failures, we will fail. However, if we see ourselves succeeding, then we WILL succeed.

Negative thoughts can lead you down the never ending rabbit whole of negativity. What is your internal dialogue when you look in a mirror? If your thoughts about yourself are bad or degrading, saying or thinking things to yourself like, "I will always be fat," and, "I hate doing exercise," then say out loud, "STOP IT!" This action breaks your train of thought. Now we have room to let in some positivity.

The power is in positive thinking. Positive self talk allows you to take on a healthier lifestyle. Telling yourself things like, "I will meet my step goal for the day," or, "Today I will make the best choices for my health," keeps your brain in the game which goes a long way to helping you stay the course.

Don't expect this to change your life immediately, but with time and practice it will! Remember: We didn’t form our bad habits or gain our weight overnight. It is unrealistic to think we are going to fix everything in a day, or even month. Be kind to yourself and focus on what is attainable. Make an effort to change your thoughts. With practice, it will change your life!

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Coaching is so WORTH it! Katrina was my coach & she gave me the little push I needed to succeed in my journey towards my goals. The support was so helpful in learning about fasting & guiding me through as I did my first fast & several others.

If you add up what you spend on Starbucks or beauty products, you can afford coaching. Think of it as an investment in your health...YOU are worth it! I’d rather pay for coaching than Dr bills & prescription meds.

Gina L.

I would recommend coaching to anyone wanting to get Keto "down pat." I met with Linda via the computer once a week and she helped answer my questions; suggested resources such as websites, books and recipes; helped with macros; provided much needed support and so much more.

I knew that I personally needed accountability and by having once a week meetings, she held me to that while I adjusted to the changes in my life due to Keto.

Mary E.

My only regret is that I didn't start the coaching program on day 1. I did start at about week 3, and it has made a huge difference for me. Not only is the coach amazing, but the other ladies in my group have become like family. We share our successes and struggles. We all have similar goals, but coming at it from different backgrounds and different challenges and it helps to hear different perspectives and learn from each other, and cheer each other on. Group coaching is the best investment I have made in myself.

Cindy K.

I want to stick to the keto woe. My coach is my sounding board when I have questions, concerns, trouble or just support. It's different from familial support because she's been there & knows what you're going through. I always spend on everyone else but never on myself. Well this is my "gift to self."

Renee G.

I went through menopause at 40 and began to really struggle with my weight. I was no longer seeing success with the "normal" weight loss plans that had worked in my 20s and 30s and I was at my wit's end. I hired Katrina as my coach because I could not wrap my head around eating fat. I was terrified I would do it wrong and continue to gain. Figuring out the food ended up being the easy part - fixing my thinking and setting reasonable expectations for MY unique journey was where coaching was truly invaluable. I was a relatively slow loser and having Katrina help me understand why my progress was slow helped me stay the course. She also encouraged me focus on the non-scale benefits of Keto such as better sleep and no more aches and pains instead of being singularly focused on the scale. Thanks to Keto, I now feel better than I did in my 20s! Courtney (48 years old).

Courtney R.