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Real Food and Supplements


There’s no doubt about it, we live in an age of pharmaceuticals and quick fixes. Got a health problem? There’s a drug for that! There are many issues we approach with this strategy, but for the most part, health problems aren’t caused by drug deficiencies, and a quick fix may not be the healthiest avenue to resolve them.

It’s so refreshing to keep the company of people who know that the body has evolved to work best with nutrients over pharmaceuticals. However, there are some in our community who think that they can cover a poor diet by popping supplements. Full disclosure here: I do recommend practitioner quality, therapeutic grade supplements (the kind you can only get through a practitioner) when I think they are warranted.

People who work with me know that if I recommend a nutritional supplement, I’ll also “prescribe” a food alongside that is also rich in that nutrient. Even if you're taking supplemental magnesium or potassium, eating foods that are also rich in those nutrients will help your body utilise them effectively.

Just as an example, it’s no secret that adipose tissue (otherwise known as body fat) is a target tissue for vitamin A; adipose tissue functions normally when it has good access to vitamin A, and abnormally when it doesn't. Ketogenic Foods rich in this nutrient include liver, cheese, butter, and oily fish. We also get provitamin A (vegetable sources of vitamin A) from our leafy greens. These kinds of foods work synergistically, so that the body has the building blocks it needs for normal adipose tissue function. No synthetic vitamins required in this case, just eat real food. Many other vitamin and minerals issues may be, and are ideally resolved in a similar manner, without supplementation.

The takeaway: eat real, nutrient dense ketogenic foods first. Supplements come a distant second, and only if necessary.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Joining the Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching program changed my life! I decided that my health was my priority and it was/is worth every penny!

Melodie Z.

Wanted to take a minute to thank all the wonderful coaches out there for all they do, especially mine! Every week Jessyca lifts me up, encourages me, and makes me become a better version of myself... She helps me dig in and see all I’m capable of... She’s always there when I need her and gives so much to so many of us... So a sincere thank you... You are an amazing lady and fabulous coach, Coach Jessyca!

Jessica K.

I would recommend coaching to anyone wanting to get Keto "down pat." I met with Linda via the computer once a week and she helped answer my questions; suggested resources such as websites, books and recipes; helped with macros; provided much needed support and so much more.

I knew that I personally needed accountability and by having once a week meetings, she held me to that while I adjusted to the changes in my life due to Keto.

Mary E.

I read about coach Jessyca on another Keto site for women. There was a thread about binge eating disorder which I have been struggling with for over 35 57 (as well as other eating disorders). I had been trying to do keto, but think it was low carb. I didn't understand the "macros" importance of the correct amounts of fat and protein and the real "who, what, when where and why's" of Keto. I genuinely believe (and I hope this isn't offensive to anyone) that seeing Jessyca  name on that thread was a miracle, and a sign from above. The threads on this Keto site are massive with thousands of comments..... I came to your site and read her history and thought, "wow" she will "get" me! Jessyca  even thou we only know each other thru "cyber" space and face time; has helped me more in a month than YEARS of therapy, medication, and despair. Thru her graoup I was introduced to another wonderful client who shared a technique with me to help me relax.... I'm new to this way of life, but for the first time in years feel HOPE over has been a full month that I have not waken up "hating" myself from a massive sugar binge. For me this is giant. Jessyca let me know to always be aware.... That eating disorder is "lurking" waiting to jump out. I have more tools in one month than I have had in the past 35 years of my life dealing with this. I'm truly grateful to Jessyca and feel blessed she is my coach and my friend.

Suzy F.

I don’t know if I can adequately express how much has shifted for me since working with Keto Coach Michelle Hurn, R.D., L.D! Initially Michelle helped get me on track by clarifying the appropriate amount of food I should be eating (and in what proportions) for my active lifestyle. But the real magic was further along – when Michelle kindly but clearly helped me challenge long held, rigid disordered eating beliefs and behaviors that I didn’t even realize I still had. I am beyond grateful to have separated from old beliefs and behaviors that were holding me back, even when I was compliant on the ketogenic meal plan. I am able to be more emotionally present for myself, my family and my professional life in a way that has brought me tremendous peace of mind. I am enjoying my meals now, but hardly thinking about food at all anymore - and that is a true miracle in my life!

Shari C.