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Macros + 30 Minute Consult

Macros evaluation and 30 minute phone or video consult.

  • Up to a 30 minute consultation, by appointment.
  • Evaluation of your food diary/food logs and suggested changes: Be prepared to send screen shots. Coaches will not log in to your diary accounts or sign up for apps they do not use.
  • Custom macros: All evaluations are only good as the information you give. Please be prepared to give details such as height, weight, age, and activity levels, as well as any additional information that may be pertinent to your situation.
  • There is a 24 hour response time to all email correspondence. If you have not received a response in 24 hours, please check your spam folder first. If your coach's email did not inadvertently go to spam, please contact us using the Contact Form. Please add your coach's email address to your address book to avoid spam filters.



USD $129.00 (One-Time)

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Please Note:

  • This is not an ongoing coaching relationship and does not include macros, personalized assessments etc unless explicitly stated. Your participation will enrich your experience.
  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

For a person who has struggled all her life with yo-yo diets for the first time since finding keto and Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching I can say I have officially committed to a lifestyle of eating. After 1.5 years of being strict keto I am still learning from the coaches. I stick with Ketovangelist because of the knowledge, support, and guidance they provide.

Beth V. Z.

My coach Elaina Wang, is the reason why KETO is now getting the results I never got doing keto by the book before. Best decision ever.

Karyl O.

I want to send a big THANK YOU to my coach Lisa Carroll! I have been working with Lisa for almost 3 weeks and WOW! I am absolutely amazed by the progress I have seen in this short time. I have lost 15.4 pounds, stopped taking medication for GERD, seen a significant reduction in hair loss and now fit in a pair of jeans I haven’t worn in 11 years. I started Keto last year about this time on my own and did great for the first few months, but then I got lazy and slacked off. I tried multiple times to start up again on my own without success and finally made the decision that I needed someone to help hold me accountable, that’s where Lisa comes in. She has been exactly what I needed to get myself back on track!

Tabatha E.

Ketovangelist coaching, in particular, Linda, has given me a sense of not being alone and of being accepted. She helped answer questions and always pointed me towards education! Just knowing she is there gives me quiet comfort. Love it! I am in the midst of my journey and feel like new things to be addressed pop up still but I am so much farther along than I ever thought I would be.

Kathy P.S.

I had to throw all my size 12 skinny jeans to the giveaway pile and am now in a size 10 comfortably. I also took all my size XL and LG shirts and put them in the giveaway pile. I’m now in a medium. I have to buy all new summer clothes along with winter. It’s weird thru all this I haven’t focused on my size at all. I’ve focused on my energy, mental health, skin and hair growth. I’m 53 so at the point that I want to be able to move to play with my grandkids and continue my everyday life with gusto. I’m thrilled with these results so far and the next 6 months will work toward gaining more muscle.
