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The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg


Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, which makes them a great keto food. Like most ketonians, they are a huge staple in my keto diet, but after spending quite a lot of time frying them, scrambling them, poaching them, etc., I was eventually ready to embark on something different: deviled eggs. Those pesky eggs, however, can be a bit temperamental when it comes to cooking and peeling them. Several failed attempts to get my eggs peeled without losing large chunks of it at a time later, I found a method that is fool proof, and works every time, regardless of age or starting temperature.

The perfect, hard-boiled egg:

Step 1: Place the eggs in a pot, and cover with cold water to about one inch above the eggs.

Step 2: Place the eggs on high heat until they come to a rolling boil.

Step 3: Remove from heat, and cover the pot of eggs for 11-12 minutes.

Step 4: Pour the water off the eggs, and fill the pot with ice.

Step 5: When the eggs are cool, place one egg in a mason jar. Fill the jar until it covers the egg halfway.

Step 6: Slosh the egg around in the jar vigorously.

Step 7: Peel the egg under running water and voila! Perfection!

Step 8: Repeat steps five through seven with the remaining eggs.

I know it sounds like a bunch of steps and a lot of work, but if you've ever struggled to get eggs that don't look like they've been mangled (especially right enforce a gathering!), the results are worth it!

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Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Huge...a freakin huge shout out & thank you!!11 months keto; we have been together 3-4 months. Sabrina has helped me work through some tough issues & stall including me now being at the lowest weight I have been in over 40 years. Having a coach has helped make me accountable not only to her but myself. If there is anyway to put it in your budget, do it!! I didn’t think I could afford it either, decided to try and now realize that this new way of life is about me being healthy and happy. It is finally my #1 priority.

Karen E.

I contacted [my coach] for a Macro Eval when I stalled after an initial 30 lb weight loss. She was very thorough and spot on with two major things that were stalling my progress. She was wonderful to talk to and very understanding. I lost another 10 lbs in the month following. I would highly recommend her as a coach. As a matter of fact both my sister and myself have just signed up for Linda's 8 week course called Beginning, Maintaining, Sustaining. If you are serious about this WOL, I would highly recommend a Coach!


Wendy W.

Shout out to Kimmi for telling me what I already knew...but just didn't want to admit to; To Mary for being so relatable and the first person I thought understood my struggle (also for being a fashion diva--love your shoes although I'm sure I'd fall on my face); To Elaina for her sense of humor; To Jessyca for stressing the importance of family; To Katrina for proving that being better doesn't mean that you are going to end up perfect; To Michelyn for her cheery disposition and beautiful smile; To Linda who helps me focus on the journey; To Sabrina who reminds us to love life; To Mitzi who lives life to the fullest and has followed a journey so similar to mine (and to embrace the aging process as it can be beautiful-you own it!). To Lauren who has taken time to help me understand some of the weird stuff...Every coach has been inspirational, motivational, and educational to me. And it has been quite the experience to have had the opportunity to follow several of the coaches progress--because we are all a work in progress. I'm a tab bit jealous of people just starting out to have access to such great keto coaches--I wish I would have had the opportunity; it would have saved me a lot of trial and error. But, I am so happy to have found this family and I look forward to meeting many of you in Austin.

Mary H.

Group coaching helps you not feel alone in your keto journey. I started out with one on one coaching and it was extremely beneficial, but I feel like I am learning even more from group coaching. It's great to hear the things others are going through and help provide support while learning how to navigate a situation like that in the future, and of course to have others there to celebrate in your successes! I plan to utilize the coaching services until I reach my goals. I don't think I would be moving in such a positive direction without coaching.

Danielle C.

I started with coach Lisa nine months ago — long enough go grow and birth a baby! And with the work we did on roots of my eating issues I feel I really have had a rebirth of sorts. I no longer binge, no longer think about food 24/7 (yes, I even dreamed of food), no longer run to food for comfort, love, distraction or as a sedative or tranquilizer. She worked with me through three exceptionally hard events in my life and I stayed Keto strong through it all. I could not have done it without my coach.

Miriam H.