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Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

I really like the coaching program, I like the daily contact as it keeps me accountable and keeps me motivated. My coach is Linda and she will answer any question I throw at her, she will also give me suggestions to tweak my progress. I strongly recommend it to get you started or to get you back on track it is well worth it.

Dorothea D.

Huge...a freakin huge shout out & thank you!!11 months keto; we have been together 3-4 months. Sabrina has helped me work through some tough issues & stall including me now being at the lowest weight I have been in over 40 years. Having a coach has helped make me accountable not only to her but myself. If there is anyway to put it in your budget, do it!! I didn’t think I could afford it either, decided to try and now realize that this new way of life is about me being healthy and happy. It is finally my #1 priority.

Karen E.

I have the best coach ever!  Jessyca has helped me in so many ways!  Yesterday was a milestone! 50 pounds lost and the lowest I’ve weighed in seven years! I’m done from a size 1X to a size 10 in six months!  I’m not done with my keto journey yet, but oh the work I have had to put in. This has not been easy! At all! I have had to text Jessyca a zillion times with things that make me want to binge and fall off of the deep end. I’ve had to learn to deal with the reason I had become overweight in the first place and how not to go back to that place again. I've had to fight through feeling like a problem and also feeling 'less than', both feelings that cause me to binge. All of those contributed to who I was before. Our weekly phone calls are the highlight of my week! They deal with the 'why' I got this way and the behaviors that lead me down the path to that person I was. Now, though, I feel like my outside is beginning to match my inside, the person God made me, and that’s an amazing feeling! As for my goal, I’m getting closer to fitting into a dress for my sons wedding! With my understanding, inspirational and amazing coach’s help, I know I can do this! I thank God for Jessyca and for His work through her!  

Aleisha B.

My only regret is that I didn't start the coaching program on day 1. I did start at about week 3, and it has made a huge difference for me. Not only is the coach amazing, but the other ladies in my group have become like family. We share our successes and struggles. We all have similar goals, but coming at it from different backgrounds and different challenges and it helps to hear different perspectives and learn from each other, and cheer each other on. Group coaching is the best investment I have made in myself.

Cindy K.

I read about coach Jessyca on another Keto site for women. There was a thread about binge eating disorder which I have been struggling with for over 35 57 (as well as other eating disorders). I had been trying to do keto, but think it was low carb. I didn't understand the "macros" importance of the correct amounts of fat and protein and the real "who, what, when where and why's" of Keto. I genuinely believe (and I hope this isn't offensive to anyone) that seeing Jessyca  name on that thread was a miracle, and a sign from above. The threads on this Keto site are massive with thousands of comments..... I came to your site and read her history and thought, "wow" she will "get" me! Jessyca  even thou we only know each other thru "cyber" space and face time; has helped me more in a month than YEARS of therapy, medication, and despair. Thru her graoup I was introduced to another wonderful client who shared a technique with me to help me relax.... I'm new to this way of life, but for the first time in years feel HOPE over has been a full month that I have not waken up "hating" myself from a massive sugar binge. For me this is giant. Jessyca let me know to always be aware.... That eating disorder is "lurking" waiting to jump out. I have more tools in one month than I have had in the past 35 years of my life dealing with this. I'm truly grateful to Jessyca and feel blessed she is my coach and my friend.

Suzy F.