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Travel Tip


Here's a little tip for travelers.

Over the last 10 days, I flew across 14 time zones (7 time zones for each flight) ... 17 hours flying time from Sydney to Dallas and then another 17 hours back again 10 days later. I've done a LOT of long-haul flights over the years, and usually jetlag and swelling just go hand in hand with them, as any of you who have experienced a long haul flight would know.

This time, zero jetlag, zero swelling, in both directions. How is this possible?

I did a shortish flight about a year ago and did a little experiment by fasting for a few hours prior to the flight and also while I was on board. Jetlag on this flight would have been minimal anyway (only crossing 3 time zones), but i was surprised to see that my jetlag was nil, and also that my swelling wasn't impacted like it usually was. (I have lymphedema, so it doesn't take much at all for things to get out of control with the swelling.)

So for this trip, I decided to fast for 24 hours prior to departure, and also for the duration of the flight - 41 hours in total. And when I say fast, I mean water and salt only. On the return leg, I fasted for 28 hours in total.
It wasn't hard at all and the results are pretty astounding. You might like to give it a try for your next long-haul if you don't want your life to slow down or stop at your destination because of jetlag and swelling!

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Thank you so much for this class. After following keto groups for two years I thought I knew it all. Boy was I wrong! I am totally off of sweeteners, I learned how to intermittently fast properly, that carbs are more than just grains and sugars, that veggies are not necessary, how salt and magnesium are so important, and mostly being in a space of like-minded people! There is so much more that I can’t list them all. Thank you ladies Mary Roberts and Katrina Harris for taking the time and really caring about helping others get healthy. I will miss seeing you every week.

Tami R.

I enlisted Elaina’s help with a macro evaluation and then with email coaching. What a wealth of knowledge! She helped me to understand that I was insulin resistant, which was causing me to lose weight slowly. She also suggested that I stop ALL sweeteners, including diet drinks so that my body wouldn’t elicit an insulin response. The result? I started losing weight again!

She also told me not to compare my journey with other folks’ journey because we are all different; that was a huge piece of encouragement for me.

Susie C.

Keto coaching is the difference between looking at a car and driving it! Keto coaching provides the tools for mastery.  Mary has taken this journey and is an informed, sincere and kind companion for your journey. Mary Roberts is a success whisperer! There is a selflessness among the coaches with shared desire to bring well being to each client! Invest in your health you'll never regret it!

Maureen T.

If you're thinking about the Keto WOL and not sure how to start...get a coach, they are priceless. If you started this WOL and are struggling, getting mixed messages from different sources, not getting results, etc. get a coach...they are priceless. Ketovangelist Coaches have been there, done that and can save you a lot of struggle. Believe me, hind sight is 20/20. I started Keto September 6, 2016. Thought I couldn't afford a coach. Thank goodness when teetering between quitting Keto and getting a coach I made the right choice. I'm almost a year in and not only meeting, but surpassing some of my health, weight and fitness goals. And an added bonus is I am also making life long friends!

Ruby A.

When I started this challenge I was so out of shape. I had gained back almost all the weight I had lost doing keto 2 years ago, and I was eating so much junk. I haven’t had sugar or junk of any kind in weeks! I’m still happy and proud of myself because I’m taking care of me again. I feel good, have more energy, I’m not needing a nap, I’m eating good healthy food, and exercising. Thank you so much Bronson for giving me this chance. Once we are done I’m going to keep eating this way and exercising.
