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Why Have a Coach?


Picture this:
You are the driver of your car, taking a new journey on the road to Wellness. You’re enjoying the scenery and your own company, you believe you’re fuelled up properly and that you have all the knowledge and equipment you need to reach your destination. You’ve seen the stories of other people reaching Wellness, too, and you can’t wait to get there!

However you keep coming across roadblocks, potholes, other cars that have broken down on their own journey to Wellness, and the road signs seem to be quite misleading and confusing. You keep pulling over to read the map again, but there are so many differing routes, and the number of times you have to stop and turn around because you took a wrong turn is driving you mad! Your car is suffering along the way, and you start wondering if you used the right kind and amount of fuel. Destination Wellness seems to be elusive.

You need a navigator! Somebody who can keep their eyes on the map for you and advise you on the best course of action in any given circumstances.

Your navigator knows the different routes that exist because they’ve travelled to destination Wellness many times before with other drivers who have had different starting points and had cars with differing capacities. Your navigator will encourage you to keep going, even when you feel as though you’re going in the wrong direction, because their confidence is substantiated by experience and knowledge. They can also advise you on fuel, rest, speed, cornering, and give information about your current position so that you can understand and enjoy the journey.

You always have complete control of the car. Thankfully, your navigator will never try to take the wheel out of your hands, or try to gain control of the brake or the accelerator; that’s because your navigator wants you to feel empowered to make decisions about the journey, based on their reliable information and vast experience. You choose whether you listen to your navigator or not, and the consequences of those choices belong to you; a driver knows that ignoring his or her navigator could result in late arrival, wrong destination, breakdowns, etc. A driver also knows that following the directions of his or her navigator means they can relax about the journey and just do the driving!

You guys know I’m talking about getting a coach, right? If you’ve tried and tried, but don’t seem to be getting anywhere with your attempts at making a ketogenic diet work for you, you might want to take a look at getting a navigator to help you on your way!

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

I really like the coaching program, I like the daily contact as it keeps me accountable and keeps me motivated. My coach is Linda and she will answer any question I throw at her, she will also give me suggestions to tweak my progress. I strongly recommend it to get you started or to get you back on track it is well worth it.

Dorothea D.

I began Keto in January 2017, in February I decided to give MYSELF some LOVE and I got a KETO COACH! Linda was such a great Keto Coach she helped me understand Keto, it also was great to have a knowledgeable, Ketofied friend and teacher to help me through the maze of questions and concerns. Having a Keto coach, helped me so much, I am at my goal, comfortable in my skin, I understand the principles of the Keto WOE. I am so thankful and grateful for the knowledge and support I have received through the Keto coaching community!

Heidi H.

I started Keto January of 2017 and did what I thought was “Keto” but more like lazy Keto until November of 2017 . I was stalled for months before I decided to go with coach Lisa Carroll who taught me so much about reading food labels, vitamins, and really just paying more attention to my body than worrying about the scale.  I have many medical issues and understand it is a slower process for me as my body heals from all the damage done but I totally believe in this WOE to the point I am hoping to become a coach one day as well. 

Jerilyn Z.

I went through menopause at 40 and began to really struggle with my weight. I was no longer seeing success with the "normal" weight loss plans that had worked in my 20s and 30s and I was at my wit's end. I hired Katrina as my coach because I could not wrap my head around eating fat. I was terrified I would do it wrong and continue to gain. Figuring out the food ended up being the easy part - fixing my thinking and setting reasonable expectations for MY unique journey was where coaching was truly invaluable. I was a relatively slow loser and having Katrina help me understand why my progress was slow helped me stay the course. She also encouraged me focus on the non-scale benefits of Keto such as better sleep and no more aches and pains instead of being singularly focused on the scale. Thanks to Keto, I now feel better than I did in my 20s! Courtney (48 years old).

Courtney R.

Ketovangelist coaching, in particular, Linda, has given me a sense of not being alone and of being accepted. She helped answer questions and always pointed me towards education! Just knowing she is there gives me quiet comfort. Love it! I am in the midst of my journey and feel like new things to be addressed pop up still but I am so much farther along than I ever thought I would be.

Kathy P.S.