Willpower? banner



It’s a myth that people can’t change. You absolutely can, but you need to be able to step outside of your comfort zone and, for most of us, that can be scary. How can we change our habits and move our comfort zone to include the things that will help us reach our goals?

Most people assume this kind of change is all about willpower. Willpower is defined as "control deliberately exerted to do something or to restrain ones own impulses."

Will power is not your best ally. Leaning hard on it can sometimes bring out the worst in you, leading you to become very negative and self critical. Willpower starts out strong, but tends to fade as time goes on. Exercising willpower constitutes using your working memory, which is what you're thinking about right now. You can become easily overwhelmed in the “now” moments. It is exhausting to constantly have to think about not doing something all the time. Once the willpower gives out, you feel frustrated, guilty, and disappointed.

So, what do you need to be successful?

Willingness- the quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness

Willingness is not a renewable source, but rather a desire; it is only present if the mind wishes. It is about making a choice, it is about growing and learning. Relying on willingness makes behavioral changes an instinct. Willingness does not depend on you liking the change, it is about being open to the change. Willingness is a choice, not a feeling. Be willing to do something greater, something important, something valuable.

Relying on willingness over willpower means you’re focusing on positive changes that you can make, rather than focusing on what you don't or can’t have. Life changes need to be seen as an experiment in willingness, so that even if you fail one day, you still succeed in learning something that will help you with the next day.

Will you use your willpower to resist unhealthy temptations, or will you be willing to change your lifestyle in a way that encourages healthy choice? You choose.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Lisa was very caring and understanding. She always tried to explain things carefully and give me reasons behind her suggestions. She was very patient and understanding when I didn’t or couldn’t keep up with everything.

She answered my questions and was always willing to make suggestions and listen to what I was telling her about what was going on with life and with my keto journey.

I would definitely recommend this company. I found the site to be very professional, and the expectations for clients to be very clear.

Holly J.

After a year of committed keto, I needed a personalized plan to improve progress and healing. I hired a coach to help fine-tune my methods and immediately regretted waiting so long to hire one. Thanks to the coaching expertise of Elaina Wang, I am no longer stalled and have the confidence to properly fast which has improved healing for a couple of health issues.

Tina C.

I want to send a big THANK YOU to my coach Lisa Carroll! I have been working with Lisa for almost 3 weeks and WOW! I am absolutely amazed by the progress I have seen in this short time. I have lost 15.4 pounds, stopped taking medication for GERD, seen a significant reduction in hair loss and now fit in a pair of jeans I haven’t worn in 11 years. I started Keto last year about this time on my own and did great for the first few months, but then I got lazy and slacked off. I tried multiple times to start up again on my own without success and finally made the decision that I needed someone to help hold me accountable, that’s where Lisa comes in. She has been exactly what I needed to get myself back on track!

Tabatha E.

I heard about Keto in September of 2016 from a friend.  I’d never heard about it before then so I looked into it.  I’ve tried many times to loose weight but had no success.  I hit 220 pounds and said that something has to change.  So started Keto lost 40 pounds within 9 months then stalled and went awhile before getting coach Mary Roberts.  She helped me fine tune to start losing again.  I have been stalled again for awhile but I am in no rush I’ve went from size 22 to 12 regular jeans.  Now I’m in a petite 12 no weight loss but my body is changing and healing so slowly.  I am Ketoing on knowing this lifestyle is healing me.  I also forgot to say I have Hypothyroidism and Keto is helping with that as well.  I love this group and all the help we give each other.

Deb W.

I don’t know if I can adequately express how much has shifted for me since working with Keto Coach Michelle Hurn, R.D., L.D! Initially Michelle helped get me on track by clarifying the appropriate amount of food I should be eating (and in what proportions) for my active lifestyle. But the real magic was further along – when Michelle kindly but clearly helped me challenge long held, rigid disordered eating beliefs and behaviors that I didn’t even realize I still had. I am beyond grateful to have separated from old beliefs and behaviors that were holding me back, even when I was compliant on the ketogenic meal plan. I am able to be more emotionally present for myself, my family and my professional life in a way that has brought me tremendous peace of mind. I am enjoying my meals now, but hardly thinking about food at all anymore - and that is a true miracle in my life!

Shari C.