Elaina Wang

Availability: Open to New Clients

Specialty: Lifestyle

Elaina Wang portrait

Elaina is a Type 2 diabetic who completely controls her blood sugar with a ketogenic diet. She takes no medications and has no complications!

Elaina lives in Las Vegas and lives a fulltime RV lifestyle. She is a Certified Nutrition Coach though NASM, and is training to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. 

As a pre-teen, Elaina was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Epstein Barr Syndrome after contracting mono twice. She suffered from a suppressed immune system, and was in and out of the hospital regularly. At 13 she started suffering from intense pain that resulted in weight loss due to malnourishment. It took 2 years for a diagnosis of having severe and multiple gallstones. She was admitted to the hospital immediately, and scheduled for emergency surgery the next day. 

Once no longer in pain and able to eat again, she started binge eating, and gaining weight rapidly. At one point during her teen years, she weighed 270 pounds. 

After so much medical trauma, Elaina headed down a path of drug addiction. She didn’t care about her food choices, and lived off a cycle of methamphetamines, while binge eating sugar. 

The signs and symptoms of diabetes were obvious, but Elaina put off going to the doctor for years. At 24, she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. For 6 years she let her diabetes rage completely out of control and with it came a plethora of other medical conditions. 

At 30, Elaina reached her rock bottom and decided she had enough. Her first step was addressing her drug addiction and then tackling her diabetes. When she started checking her blood sugar, she was stunned the first test was 456. She resolved to begin walking daily, stop smoking cigarettes, and monitor her blood sugar. Even though she followed through with those commitments, her blood sugar was consistently over 300. Elaina turned to the internet and social media to find more natural solutions to diabetes control. It was at this point in her journey that she discovered the ketogenic diet, and jumped right in! Her blood sugar, weight, and overall well-being rapidly improved. Ketogenic living alone allowed her to normalize her blood sugar, lose over 100 pounds, and gain a very positive focus in life! 

Since beginning the ketogenic diet, Elaina no longer suffers from Chronic Fatigue, and her immune system has greatly improved. Epstein Barr Syndrome and infections are all things of the past! Even without her gallbladder the ketogenic lifestlye has healed her mind, body, and spirit. 

Elaina has now been dedicated to the ketogenic way of life for more than 8 years and she is the healthiest she has ever been. 

Elaina offers coaching in the following areas: 
* Type 1 & 2 iabetes 
* Addiction and alcoholism 
* Weight loss and plateaus 
* Lifestyle changes 
* Travel and nomadic lifestyle 
* Macros and tracking 
* Bio-individuality in the ketogenic lifestyle 

Social Media*


* The opinions expressed on these personal profiles are those of the individual coach and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching.


Let Elaina Wang help you reach your Ketogenic Success!

Email Coaching

  • Monthly subscription for coaching by email
  • 129.00/mo

Macros Evaluation

  • Food logs and custom macros evaluation (via email)
  • 49.00

Macros + 30 Minute Consult

  • Macros evaluation and 30 minute phone or video consult.
  • 129.00

6 One-on-One Sessions

  • Six (1-hour) sessions
  • 600.00

12 One-on-One Sessions

  • Twelve (1-hour) sessions
  • 1,150.00

90 Minute Consultation

  • 90 minute consultation
  • 229.00

Clients Love Elaina Wang!

After a year of committed keto, I needed a personalized plan to improve progress and healing. I hired a coach to help fine-tune my methods and immediately regretted waiting so long to hire one. Thanks to the coaching expertise of Elaina Wang, I am no longer stalled and have the confidence to properly fast which has improved healing for a couple of health issues.

Tina C.

I gifted myself coaching with Elaina. I love it! It helps hold me accountable and she steers me in the right direction. Very much needed on my journey.

Heather Z.

My coach Elaina Wang, is the reason why KETO is now getting the results I never got doing keto by the book before. Best decision ever.

Karyl O.

I enlisted Elaina’s help with a macro evaluation and then with email coaching. What a wealth of knowledge! She helped me to understand that I was insulin resistant, which was causing me to lose weight slowly. She also suggested that I stop ALL sweeteners, including diet drinks so that my body wouldn’t elicit an insulin response. The result? I started losing weight again!

She also told me not to compare my journey with other folks’ journey because we are all different; that was a huge piece of encouragement for me.

Susie C.

Shout out to Kimmi for telling me what I already knew...but just didn't want to admit to; To Mary for being so relatable and the first person I thought understood my struggle (also for being a fashion diva--love your shoes although I'm sure I'd fall on my face); To Elaina for her sense of humor; To Jessyca for stressing the importance of family; To Katrina for proving that being better doesn't mean that you are going to end up perfect; To Michelyn for her cheery disposition and beautiful smile; To Linda who helps me focus on the journey; To Sabrina who reminds us to love life; To Mitzi who lives life to the fullest and has followed a journey so similar to mine (and to embrace the aging process as it can be beautiful-you own it!). To Lauren who has taken time to help me understand some of the weird stuff...Every coach has been inspirational, motivational, and educational to me. And it has been quite the experience to have had the opportunity to follow several of the coaches progress--because we are all a work in progress. I'm a tab bit jealous of people just starting out to have access to such great keto coaches--I wish I would have had the opportunity; it would have saved me a lot of trial and error. But, I am so happy to have found this family and I look forward to meeting many of you in Austin.

Mary H.