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90 Minute Consultation

90 minute consultation

Our coaches specialize in the following areas:

  • Addressing weight loss stalls 
  • Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
  • Changing disordered eating behaviors
  • Overcoming food addiction
  • Mindset for success
  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Beginner fitness goals
  • Ketogenic nutrition planning 
  • Understanding macros 



USD $229.00 (One-Time)

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Please Note:

  • This is not an ongoing coaching relationship and does not include macros, personalized assessments etc unless explicitly stated. Your participation will enrich your experience.
  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Getting 1:1 coaching with Jessyca has been a godsend! After years of not being able to loose weight through Keto and her support was able to drop over 60lbs last year! Her knowledge of Keto and fasting has really helped both those things become part of my lifestyle and I’m healing from years of metabolic damage, dieting, and compulsive overeating! She is always there when I need her, encourages and challenges me beyond my comfort zone. If you are thinking about coaching, honestly - it’ll be the best investment you ever make in yourself and will improve your chances of success! Who doesn’t want that!

Jessica P.

I'm so thankful seeing  results already, and cant wait to see what the future holds. My thyroid medication was decreased for the first time, I'm starting to feel alot better.  My coach is Jessyca Reynolds. With her amazing help and support from my husband, I love the changes I'm making and the changes that are happening to my body.

Jenn R.

A friend of mine introduced me to the Keto woe through the Ketovangelist website. It took me about a month of researching, reading everyone's posts, and listening to the podcasts. After getting as much knowledge as I could, I jumped all in in February 2017. The one person that really inspired me was Mary Roberts! I thought I was doing great until I hit a stall. I couldn't understand why! I never cheated, was doing extremely strict Keto, logging everything into MFP. I started doubting that this wasn't going to work for me. I had tried at so many diets, just to gain it all back or I was just simply starving myself! I didn't want to give up just 2 months in. So I decided to reach out and get a coach! The absolute best decision I could make! Not only did Mary know exactly why I stalled, but she gave me back the confidence that I needed to keep going. Once, I instituted her advice, I lost 12 pounds in a little over a month. She introduced me to the Ketovangelist Coaching site where the overwhelming support and friendship you get from the other coaches and members of the coaching group. If you are where I was, reach out to one of the coaches, come join our Ketovangelist Coaching group! It will be the best decision you can make to be successful on your journey!

Stephanie W.

Group coaching helps you not feel alone in your keto journey. I started out with one on one coaching and it was extremely beneficial, but I feel like I am learning even more from group coaching. It's great to hear the things others are going through and help provide support while learning how to navigate a situation like that in the future, and of course to have others there to celebrate in your successes! I plan to utilize the coaching services until I reach my goals. I don't think I would be moving in such a positive direction without coaching.

Danielle C.

I had to throw all my size 12 skinny jeans to the giveaway pile and am now in a size 10 comfortably. I also took all my size XL and LG shirts and put them in the giveaway pile. I’m now in a medium. I have to buy all new summer clothes along with winter. It’s weird thru all this I haven’t focused on my size at all. I’ve focused on my energy, mental health, skin and hair growth. I’m 53 so at the point that I want to be able to move to play with my grandkids and continue my everyday life with gusto. I’m thrilled with these results so far and the next 6 months will work toward gaining more muscle.
