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12 One-on-One Sessions

Twelve (1-hour) sessions

Too busy to commit to a weekly meeting?

Hectic schedule that looks different every week?

Maximize one-on-one coaching by scheduling each of your sessions based your current schedule and the area of your life that needs attention.

No subscriptions required. No recurring charges. Must use all sessions within one year.



USD $1150.00 (One-Time)

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Please select a coach:

Please Note:

  • This is not an ongoing coaching relationship and does not include macros, personalized assessments etc unless explicitly stated. Your participation will enrich your experience.
  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

I began Keto in January 2017, in February I decided to give MYSELF some LOVE and I got a KETO COACH! Linda was such a great Keto Coach she helped me understand Keto, it also was great to have a knowledgeable, Ketofied friend and teacher to help me through the maze of questions and concerns. Having a Keto coach, helped me so much, I am at my goal, comfortable in my skin, I understand the principles of the Keto WOE. I am so thankful and grateful for the knowledge and support I have received through the Keto coaching community!

Heidi H.

Thank you Sabrina for helping me to get on and stay on track. Thanks for being accessible in my time of need. Thank you for helping me burst through plateaus!

Santrise G.

I was about 1 month in and didn’t know what I was doing. I decided the only way I was going to be successful was to get a coach! Sabrina has brought great clarity to my understanding of the keto lifestyle and how it has not only helped me lose weight, but how it is healing my body. You’ve helped me remain accountable to myself and you always give me just the push I need to read, learn and understand how to navigate the keto lifestyle, to stay positive and “keto on”...getting a coach is the best thing you can do for yourself when you’re just starting out!! If you can fit it into your budget anyway possible, Just Do It!!! You won’t regret it!! Thanks so much Sabrina you rock!!!

Lisa T.

I started Keto January of 2017 and did what I thought was “Keto” but more like lazy Keto until November of 2017 . I was stalled for months before I decided to go with coach Lisa Carroll who taught me so much about reading food labels, vitamins, and really just paying more attention to my body than worrying about the scale.  I have many medical issues and understand it is a slower process for me as my body heals from all the damage done but I totally believe in this WOE to the point I am hoping to become a coach one day as well. 

Jerilyn Z.

My experience with Tiffany has been incredible. I have been a carnivore for over two years and comfortable with the lifestyle. 
Tiffany has challenged me to set monthly goals. Tiffany provides a lot of good content that adds and enhances my lifestyle. 
I love Tiffany’s, loving and no-nonsense approach. 
No matter where you are in your journey Tiffany can help you take it to the next level.

Rob C.