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Macros + 30 Minute Consult

Macros evaluation and 30 minute phone or video consult.

  • Up to a 30 minute consultation, by appointment.
  • Evaluation of your food diary/food logs and suggested changes: Be prepared to send screen shots. Coaches will not log in to your diary accounts or sign up for apps they do not use.
  • Custom macros: All evaluations are only good as the information you give. Please be prepared to give details such as height, weight, age, and activity levels, as well as any additional information that may be pertinent to your situation.
  • There is a 24 hour response time to all email correspondence. If you have not received a response in 24 hours, please check your spam folder first. If your coach's email did not inadvertently go to spam, please contact us using the Contact Form. Please add your coach's email address to your address book to avoid spam filters.



USD $129.00 (One-Time)

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Please Note:

  • This is not an ongoing coaching relationship and does not include macros, personalized assessments etc unless explicitly stated. Your participation will enrich your experience.
  • Fees are not refundable as the program offers limited spaces and committing to a space means someone else can't have it.

Clients Love Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaching!

Whether part of a limited time group or continuing month-to-month coaching, our coaching clients have great things to say about their coaching experiences!

Getting 1:1 coaching with Jessyca has been a godsend! After years of not being able to loose weight through Keto and her support was able to drop over 60lbs last year! Her knowledge of Keto and fasting has really helped both those things become part of my lifestyle and I’m healing from years of metabolic damage, dieting, and compulsive overeating! She is always there when I need her, encourages and challenges me beyond my comfort zone. If you are thinking about coaching, honestly - it’ll be the best investment you ever make in yourself and will improve your chances of success! Who doesn’t want that!

Jessica P.

The Ketogenic Lifestyle Coaches are AH-Mazing! They can help you at any stage of your Keto Journey.
We also have a private Facebook page where all of the Coaching Clients can hang out, talk about all things Keto and beyond. You are worth making this investment in yourself and your Keto Journey. Come join us!

Kimberly G.

Group coaching helps you not feel alone in your keto journey. I started out with one on one coaching and it was extremely beneficial, but I feel like I am learning even more from group coaching. It's great to hear the things others are going through and help provide support while learning how to navigate a situation like that in the future, and of course to have others there to celebrate in your successes! I plan to utilize the coaching services until I reach my goals. I don't think I would be moving in such a positive direction without coaching.

Danielle C.

I read about coach Jessyca on another Keto site for women. There was a thread about binge eating disorder which I have been struggling with for over 35 57 (as well as other eating disorders). I had been trying to do keto, but think it was low carb. I didn't understand the "macros" importance of the correct amounts of fat and protein and the real "who, what, when where and why's" of Keto. I genuinely believe (and I hope this isn't offensive to anyone) that seeing Jessyca  name on that thread was a miracle, and a sign from above. The threads on this Keto site are massive with thousands of comments..... I came to your site and read her history and thought, "wow" she will "get" me! Jessyca  even thou we only know each other thru "cyber" space and face time; has helped me more in a month than YEARS of therapy, medication, and despair. Thru her graoup I was introduced to another wonderful client who shared a technique with me to help me relax.... I'm new to this way of life, but for the first time in years feel HOPE over has been a full month that I have not waken up "hating" myself from a massive sugar binge. For me this is giant. Jessyca let me know to always be aware.... That eating disorder is "lurking" waiting to jump out. I have more tools in one month than I have had in the past 35 years of my life dealing with this. I'm truly grateful to Jessyca and feel blessed she is my coach and my friend.

Suzy F.

My experience with Tiffany has been incredible. I have been a carnivore for over two years and comfortable with the lifestyle. 
Tiffany has challenged me to set monthly goals. Tiffany provides a lot of good content that adds and enhances my lifestyle. 
I love Tiffany’s, loving and no-nonsense approach. 
No matter where you are in your journey Tiffany can help you take it to the next level.

Rob C.